Know the Signs of Pipeline Leak
The best way to recognize a pipeline leak is by using your eyes, ears and nose.
Look – Persistent bubbling in standing water or discolored vegetation are signs of a possible leak around the pipeline area.
Listen – for any unusual noise like a hissing or roaring sound.
Smell – Notice any strange or unusual odor (the products will have a petroleum odor or smell like rotten eggs).
What to do if you smell natural gas INSIDE your home or building:
Step 1: Leave immediately on foot! Do not use electric switches, telephones (including cell phones) or anything that could cause a spark.
Step 2: Go directly to a safe location, and then call 911 and the City of Alpine Gas Dept. Do not use e-mail or the Internet to contact the company about a leak, and never assume someone else has reported the leak.
Step 3: Alert your neighbors. The City of Alpine Gas Dept. checks suspected natural gas leaks at no cost to you.
Step 4: Never try to repair a natural gas leak yourself. Leave all repairs to a trained technician.
Contact Information
432-294-1529 - After Hours Emergency Phone
OUTSIDE your home or building:
Step 1: Leave immediately on foot! Do not use electric switches, telephones (including cell phones) or anything that could cause a spark. Move in a crosswind direction away from the leak or vapor cloud and maintain a safe distance.
Step 2: Go directly to a safe location, and then call 911 and the City of Alpine Gas Dept.
Step 3: Warn others to stay away from the leak. Abandon any equipment being used in or near the area.
Know the Signs of Pipeline Leak
The best way to recognize a pipeline leak is by using your eyes, ears and nose.
Look – Persistent bubbling in standing water or discolored vegetation are signs of a possible leak around the pipeline area.
Listen – for any unusual noise like a hissing or roaring sound.
Smell – Notice any strange or unusual odor (the products will have a petroleum odor or smell like rotten eggs).
What to do if you smell natural gas INSIDE your home or building:
Step 1: Leave immediately on foot! Do not use electric switches, telephones (including cell phones) or anything that could cause a spark.
Step 2: Go directly to a safe location, and then call 911 and the City of Alpine Gas Dept. Do not use e-mail or the Internet to contact the company about a leak, and never assume someone else has reported the leak.
Step 3: Alert your neighbors. The City of Alpine Gas Dept. checks suspected natural gas leaks at no cost to you.
Step 4: Never try to repair a natural gas leak yourself. Leave all repairs to a trained technician.
Contact Information
- City of Alpine Gas Dept
432-294-1529 - After Hours Emergency Phone
OUTSIDE your home or building:
Step 1: Leave immediately on foot! Do not use electric switches, telephones (including cell phones) or anything that could cause a spark. Move in a crosswind direction away from the leak or vapor cloud and maintain a safe distance.
Step 2: Go directly to a safe location, and then call 911 and the City of Alpine Gas Dept.
Step 3: Warn others to stay away from the leak. Abandon any equipment being used in or near the area.